5 Tips for Planning a Career Transition

5 Tips for Planning a Career Transition


Between the age of 18 and 50, the average American will hold about 12 jobs. Are you ready for your next path?

Nobody can fault you for evolving, but doing it in the wrong way can hinder your future success. Proper planning can prevent you from burning bridges and help your transition go smoothly.

Read on to learn five tips for making your career transition.

1. Assess Yourself

A career change brings excitement, but it also takes a lot of time and effort and disrupts your routine. Learn more about yourself before switching careers.

Maybe you took an assessment in college to guide your decisions, but people outgrow older versions of themselves constantly. Discover your current self by determining strengths, skills, and desires through online tests and other methods of self-assessment.

This information can help you find a career that suits you well. Read more now to see if your skills would support a career as a drug and alcohol counselor.

2. Consider Your Current Situation

Evaluate your current career satisfaction. Consider the following:

  • Your position and salary
  • Current management
  • Your relationships with coworkers
  • What you like and dislike about your current position
  • Your work environment
  • Business location
  • Why you want to leave

Match this to your new career options to make sure you will enjoy your new job at least as much as the current one. If you feel upset and leave to find yourself in a similar situation, you will not find the change worth it.

3. Consult Your Family

You should not need permission to explore your passions. But, switching industries can greatly impact your family as well, by affecting when and how often you’re home as well as your financial contribution.

Consulting them on your choice will help your transition go smoother. Approach them with excitement early in the decision-making process, so they feel included in the change.

Ask for their thoughts and concerns. Listen, address them, and express why this is important to you. This will create cheerleaders rather than resistance for you.

4. Build Yourself Up

Prior to reaching out to any other companies, build yourself up professionally. If the new industry requires any special schooling or certificates, begin taking classes in your free time.

You need to qualify for the position before trying to acquire it. Then, create a resume that reflects your qualifications for the new career.

While doing this, start building a solid network by attending events and following top people on social media. Ask to shadow successful people to gain experience for this new feat.

5. Leave on Good Terms

Whether you love the company you outgrew or despise everything about it, do yourself a favor and leave well. This will impact future opportunities.

Give your employer ample time to fill your position. If you can offer any way to make the transition smoother for them, it will keep the relationship favorably intact.

Never bad-mouth them to prospective employers, no matter what! Nobody wants to hire a potential liability.

Enjoy Your Career Transition

You may feel overwhelmed, but you can make the career transition run smoothly. Move forward with knowledge, poise, and integrity by following these tips.

Does your new career require further education or training? Find the program you need on our website!

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