2 Considerations To Keep in Mind About College

2 Considerations To Keep in Mind About College


in 2016, almost 70% of high school grads packed their bags to attend college. Higher education is still a highly sought after way for students to hone skills and get prepared for the workforce. From business, art and math degrees, the possibilities are nearly endless for what students can study and how they can grow their passions. However, with so many colleges out there that have lots of certifications such as the Grand Canyon University accreditation, it can be hard to pick a college. Reaching out to Grand Canyon University accreditation professionals will give you specific information on their school but probably won’t be a great resource for other schools. If you’re searching for a college still, here are some non-school based aspects to research. If you‘re taking the AICPA Ethics Exam, these AICPA Ethics Exam Tips can help.

1. Food on Campus

This is a major part of college because of late-night study sessions and students trying to avoid the freshman 15. Not all schools have the same food or dining plans, so make sure to know what your school offers. Are there off-campus meal plans? Is there food available 24/7? In addition, if you have specific dietary needs, this is extra important. Here’s a list of schools with the most comprehensive dining programs. 

2. Diversity on Campus

College is a great place because it really opens up student’s minds to new perspectives and ideas they may not have experienced back home. If diversity is important to you, and you want to be around a lot of different schools of thought, check out schools’ demographic charts to see the makeup of students on campus. You can also look for diversity in the types of classes offered. If you have a lot of varied interests, see if your degree has elective flexibility and different options to learn about something you may have never learned about before but have always been curious about. 

With so many colleges to choose from, it can be hard to make the right decision. However, taking time, doing research and asking questions will assist in this exciting new chapter of life. 

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